A first-time collaboration between v.1 (volume-1.org) and the Museum Guild drew a warm crowd to the RISD Museum Common Room this past sunny April Saturday afternoon. Contributors to the Spring issue read their writings aloud, v.1 editor Asher White interviewed the authors, and in between, everyone responded to a set of prompts on the meaning of place. The Spring print issue, which focuses loosely on that theme, is almost here! Keep an eye out in campus lobbies in about 10 days. Look for the purple stars and smileys …
Njari Anderson reading “The Black Biennial: Black Hole, Black (W)hole”
Asher White interviewing Samaaya Jayamaha after her reading of “My Dad and I Are Always in New Places So He Tells Me to Conduct Reconnaissance”
Alisa Caira reading “Mudskipper”
Responding to prompts on place and safety
Sneak preview (that’s a Spring 2022 test print)
Asher White asking Brady Mathisen about “Tales of Fish in the Sky” and about how an artist becomes a writer
Listening together
Together, listening