Presentation Feedback

When a friend or classmate asks for advice about their speech or presentation, use these prompts to come up with constructive feedback. You can also make an appointment with a tutor to receive this kind of feedback on your own speeches.


  • Did the speaker have a clear greeting (and said their name, if appropriate)?

  • Did the speaker end the talk gracefully?

  • Did the speaker introduce their topic concisely before explaining?

  • If there were visuals, were they used at an appropriate time?

Outline this speaker’s presentation in words or a drawing. What did they talk about first, second, third?


  • Did you understand the presentation? Was all the content clear?

  • Were you interested or did you become interested in this topic?

  • Did the speaker explain everything that was unfamiliar to the audience?

  • Did the speaker check to make sure we understood the content?

  • Did the speaker fully explain any visuals?

Briefly explain what you learned about this topic.  

Speaking style

  • Did they speak at a relaxed (slow) pace?

  • Did they look at the audience while they spoke?

  • Could you hear them (did they speak loudly enough)?

  • Could you understand the meaning of their words and sentences?

Explain what you liked about this speaker’s style.