Wintersession Workshops: English Language Support

English Language Support Workshops
Facilitated by Maya Krinsky, Assistant Director for Multilingual Learning
(send RSVPs or questions to

American Idioms (undergrads)
This workshop focuses on vocabulary and common expressions in American culture and the art/design classroom. Bring specific questions from your experience so far. Mondays, January 8th, January 29th, February 5th; 12:00 – 1:00 PM; Macaulay Room, Fleet Library

Critique Group (grads and undergrads)
This workshop helps prepare for critiques by improving speaking skills. We will look at work and practice making comments and asking questions. Bring a project, piece, or idea that you are working on, or come to respond to others’ work.
Mondays, January 8th, January 29th, February 5th; 6:30 – 8:00 PM; A&L, CB 240

Keywords (grads)
This workshop is for grad students working on artist statements, applications, presentations, studio visits, project titles, or any task where selecting the right keywords affects the understanding of one’s work. We will brainstorm vocabulary words for specific projects and discuss nuances of translation. We will also talk about keywords in each department to expand our accuracy with disciplinary terminology. Wednesdays, January 10th, January 31st; 10:00 – 11:00 AM; CIT Grad Lounge

Co-editing (grads and undergrads)
A collaborative group study session focused on improving accuracy in written English through group editing and discussion of common errors and grammatical structures. Students should bring an in-progress or finished writing project.
Wednesdays, January 10th, January 31st; 12:00 – 1:00 PM; A&L, CB 240

Pronunciation Lab (grads and undergrads)
An intensive practice session focused on American English pronunciation or “accent acquisition.” We’ll work on the sounds, melodies, and intonations common in American English, and you can request help with troublesome words or phrases.
Fridays, January 12th, February 2nd; 3:00 – 4:00 PM; CB 301